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© 2021 · thelaumix productions · Lukas A. Schopf




thelaumix games


Select phrases for the other players to answer them the most funny way and answer phrases picked by others the most funny way as well.
Funniest and most creative players will succeed!

Inspired by QuipLash.

Das Fischstäbchen lügt!

Buzzer if you think, that it's a lie!

The idea of this game refers to PietSmiet and their YouTube-Show "Das Fischstäbchen Lügt".


A little logic simulation. Create your own chips, discover circuits and maybe you learn something!


Extended Version of the classic board game 'Codenames'

2-8 Players

10 gegen Willy

What comes to your and your friends mind when you are given a specific topic? Will you be able to find out your friend's thoughts? You gotta find out!

The idea of this game refers to PietSmiet and their YouTube-Show "10 gegen Willy".

Launilla - Retro Economy Minecraft Server

In Nostalgie und Erinnerung an alte Zeiten haben wir uns vorgenommen, uns wieder "back to the roots" zu begeben, und einen ganz klassischen Build-, City- und Economyserver zu gründen, mit allem was dazugehört. Wenn du Lust auf nostalgisches Gameplayerlebnis hast, bist du hier genau richtig!

Die Teilnahme auf unserem Server erfordert eine einmalige Freischaltung mit deinem LPlay-Account! Das ist aber schnell gemacht und nicht besonders aufwändig.


Proove your reflexes versus other players by completing your 'gen' before the others.

Succeed in skill checks better than the others and try to distract them by using disturbing perks!

This game uses mechanics, sounds and icons from Dead by Daylight - Behavior Interactive. All rights reserved.


Extended Version of the classic board game 'Codenames'

2-8 Players

10 gegen Willy

What comes to your and your friends mind when you are given a specific topic? Will you be able to find out your friend's thoughts? You gotta find out!

The idea of this game refers to PietSmiet and their YouTube-Show "10 gegen Willy".


Proove your reflexes versus other players in this small reaction minigame.

This game is the stock demo game for the LUXPeer Webgame Engine.


Pendelum is a physics-based puzzle platformer with a pendulum that requires patience, skill and creativity.Use only gravity and external influences to reach the goal, create your own puzzles, compare your performance with others and above all - DON'T RAGE!

Dead by Randomizer

Shuffle your Perkset and Character, connect with friends to share shuffles secretly and more!

Includes desktop overlay, chat, global hotkeys and different perk styles.

This app strongly recommends ownage of Dead by Daylight! Without the game, this tool mostly looses usability.

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